How to create RSS Feed for website using XML How to create RSS Feed for website using XML the following tutorial is for websites only ! if you have a blog and want to create RSS kindly read this article How to create RSS Blogger Feed using Feedburner How to create RSS Feed for website using XML How to create RSS Feed for website using XML Create a word file for each category in your website so the visitors can choose what category they want to subscribe in. ex sports , news . .etc. In every file write a list for the pages you want to add in the RSS Write your list as the same in the following picture and add the following for every page : Title : title of the page Description : a good description URL : the page url in First line of your file write the following codes so the RSS reader can read your file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <rss version="2.0"> and then add a channel code <channel> and write your feed title / link / description - as shown below How to create RSS Feed for website using XML Now add the code <item> before the <title> code for every page and add the closing tag </item> after the <link> code for every page . Every item/page in your list now should looks like the picture . In the last line of the word file add the closing tag </channel> and the closing tag </rss> Save the File in XML format Upload the Xml file to your website and test the file using this website SEE ALSO How to create RSS Blogger Feed using Feedburner How to create an Index for your blog How to move the sidebar to right or left in blogger Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook